Trumped ! Trade, China & the changing world order - Business Breakfast

A disucssion on how the US election result and Brexit impact on China's ascendancy, international trade and geo-politics? What is China's response to populist democracy? What of the economic world order, international trade deals and trust between nations? How will China play its hand in the post Brexit & US election world and why does it matter?
Expert Chinese voices across the corporate, M&A investment & academic spectrum spoke on the short-medium term ramification of how organizations  and HNWI's will mitigate the risks and protect their businesses, brands and assets going forward.

Madam Hu Yabing- ICBC Standard Bank
Robert Ogilvy-Watson - Global Co-Head, Corporate Practice, Ashurst LLP,
Professor Kerry Brown - Director of Chinese Studies, King's College London & Director of Lau China Institute
Michael Cole-Fontayn, Chairman EMEA Emerging Markets, & Simon Derrick, Chief Currency Strategist, BNY Mellon

HJ Colston- Joint CEO Chopsticks Club

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